Grow’s “Experiment Playground” Program Empowering Future-Ready Talents to Unleash their Potential

October 20, 2020

“Be the best version of yourself” – this is not impossible anymore.

At Minor Food, we are an organization that develops our people to be the best version of themselves. This is one of our core values that we always strive to do.

We have launched a new program called 'Grow's Experiment Program' that aims to grow future-ready talents across Minor Food by empowering them to unleash their leadership potential through action-based learning. This program, built upon 3 pillars of ‘Minor Food Behaviours for Success’ – Hyper Collaboration, Customer Centricity and Digital Acumen, stretches over a period of 3 months. In addition, we will invite expert from varied disciplines, both internal and external to Minor, to share their knowledge and experience to all participants of program. 

Moreover, we also have other development programs within GROW that target all levels of employees, to drive Minor Food to the next level of success in the digital world.

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